Free breakfasts at school


Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, especially for children.

In France, one in 10 children starts their school day on an empty stomach. In the hopes of addressing inequalities and boosting their health, the French government thus launched a “free breakfast” program this April 23.

The initiative has already been started in 8 test schools (in Amiens, La Réunion, Lille, Montpellier, Nantes, Reims, Toulouse and Versailles) and should be rolled out over the rest of France next September. It promises to improve children’s health both over the short and long term.

For, as nutritionists constantly remind us, breakfast is essential not only for ensuring children have the concentration and memory capacity they need for school, but also for guaranteeing they develop muscle and bone as they should, as well as their general physical growth.