Health effects of electromagnetic waves


Nowadays, we hear a lot about the potential health effects of the increasing exposure to electromagnetic waves. The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) published on this subject in 2022 to inform us ...

Electromagnetic waves are emitted by various sources, natural or technological: sunlight, but also electronic devices such as our cell phones, electrical cables, or during medical examinations. The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from radio waves to gamma rays, including the visible light spectrum. In our daily lives, we are exposed to low-frequency electromagnetic fields (0 to 10 kHz) from power lines and electric cables, including in our homes, as well as from household appliances. Of course, exposure to radio frequency waves (10 kHz to 300 GHz) is ubiquitous with radio transmitters, televisions, cell phones, and Wi-Fi sources.

But does this exposure have an effect on health? Depending on the frequency and intensity, the waves can stimulate the nervous tissue or have a thermal effect, although the levels required for the latter are never reached in normal circumstances. The waves emitted by cell phones are associated with a modification of the electrical activity of the brain, but no direct link with an impact on health has been proven to date. Nevertheless, some data suggest that intensive use of these devices may be responsible for a possible increase in the risk of brain tumors. Other effects mentioned are the negative impact on sleep, male fertility in animals, as well as on cognitive performance.

But then, how can we limit our exposure to these waves? Using your cell phone less, or as much as possible with the hands-free kit, as well as limiting the use of these devices especially among children, because they are more sensitive than adults, are simple examples to apply!