How to handle tight deadlines


The ability to meet tight deadlines is paramount to your reputation building. Many providers, however, fall prey to the transgression of overcommitting. Here are three tips that may be helpful in difficult situations.

1) Never commit to a deadline you are unable to meet.
In your effort to please a client, you may be inclined to accept a deadline you are unable to meet. However tempting it may be to say “yes” to ambitious project, don’t do it. This may ruin your credibility. You may gain more from negotiating more realistic timelines.
2) Break your project down in smaller-size task. Planning is key to managing ambitious projects. Before diving into the project, divide it into smaller, manageable tasks, and set a deadline to each of these steps.
3) Focus on the first step. Don’t look up to what is in front of you, but just put your focus on the first step to be managed TODAY. You will be surprised how much you can accomplish if you take one step at a time.
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