IVF for everyone?


Medically-assisted reproduction for everyone - that was one of the French campaign promises. Today, that promise is about to be delivered.

Englobing in vitro fertilisation, embryo transfer, artificial insemination and more, the term medically-
assisted reproduction covers many techniques, all of which are still reserved only for heterosexual
couples. But all that could be about to change.

In June 2017, the French national consultative ethics committee made an announcement it was in
support of medically-assisted reproduction for all. Today, a law will be proposed to Parliament on
rendering these techniques accessible.

If the law passes, single heterosexual and homosexual women will be able to benefit from medically-
assisted reproductive techniques too. Despite gay marriage being legal in France, albeit only since 5
years ago, this new advance is yet another divisive issue that is causing strong reactions, and France’s
"Manif pour tous", an organisation that protests for safe-guarding traditional family values, is more than likely to once again make themselves heard.