Radiotherapy in under a minute


"Papillon plus". Designed by Jean-Pierre Gérard, radiotherapist at the Antoine Lacassagne centre in Nice, France, this technique is revolutionising breast cancer treatment. First used in October 2018, it has already enabled seven patients to receive treatment.

This machine now makes it possible to treat breast cancer with radiotherapy in under one minute. Once the tumour has been surgically excised, the radiotherapist inserts into the breast an applicator linked to an x-ray tube. These x-rays destroy the cancer cells in a matter of seconds.

This innovation offers the special advantage of making the procedure considerably easier on patients, given that typical treatments require them to stay in hospital for several days, with radiotherapy sessions continuing over 6 to 7 weeks. With “Papillon Plus”, the patient can come in the morning and be home again by that very evening.

Still, this technique can only be used single tumours less than 2cm in diameter with no lymph node involvement. For now, it is reserved for the most fragile of patients aged over 60, yet should be applied more widely in France and the rest of the world in the future. Already this year, five French hospital centres plan to offer Papillon plus in their clinics.