Struck with the autumn blues?


Feeling tired? Lacking motivation? It’s more than usual in autumn – here’s how you can fight those autumn blues.

Many people are affected by this seasonal condition. As autumn creeps in, the days get colder and
darker, paving the way for winter just over the horizon. With this shift often come sluggish fatigue
and sapped morale. It’s common, and to some extent normal.

Suddenly finding yourself feeling down in the dumps? You’ve caught seasonal affective disorder! The
best treatment is to continue life as normal, though – go out, have fun, play sport – and make sure
you treat yourself to some nice meals too. Nice healthy meals, of course!

Those are the "natural" treatment suggestions for fighting this autumnal depression, in any case. For more severe cases, it’s not unheard of to try therapeutic methods such as light therapy or even