A summer of medical writing

A constantly expanding network of clients

A constantly expanding network of clients

As the years go by, our network of clients keeps expanding. Germany, Spain, Austria, and the USA too... The clients entrusting us with their writing and revision work are ever increasing in number.

Quality is our motto. Our teams are made up of language specialists and a doctor, thus providing just the right combination to put our core principle to work for you: impeccable language quality and scientific exactitude.
The result of this exactitude is clear to see—whether in terms of revision, writing assistance, or translation, ever more of you are placing your trust in us, in Europe and beyond. Last month, clinicians from Spain (Madrid) and Austria (Innsbruck) have seized this opportunity.
So go ahead and give us a go as well! Let us back you up with your projects and allow you to enjoy this beautiful season with a clear head.

Ever more feedback

Ever more feedback

You continue to provide us with your impressions and we would like to express our thanks. Whether positive aspects or room for improvement—take a few minutes to give us feedback on your experience with our services! Here is a selection of the latest comments from our clients:

  • “I wanted to emphasize how impressed I am by the speed and clearness of the edits you made to the document. It is very motivating to work hand-in-hand with such partners as you. This will prove very useful to us.”
  • “I just looked over your corrections and am pleasantly surprised by the quality of the work you have performed. The manuscript is now about to be submitted.”
  • “Many thanks for your responsiveness. Your services are invaluable to our company.”

Constructive criticism is likewise welcome, as it allows our teams to constantly improve” Send us your comments or suggestions at info@cremerconsulting.com.

New perspectives in hemophilia care

New perspectives in hemophilia care

Prof. Yesim Dargaud, Hemophilia Center and Clinical Hemostasis Unit, Lyon, France, has entrusted us to edit several papers focused on pharmacokinetic-based prophylaxis in hemophilia care. This fascinating topic has pricked our attention immediately.

For a hemostasis specialist like Prof. Dargaud, initial research was targeted at methods to assess thrombin generation dynamics. Thrombin plays a central role in the coagulation cascade and is paramount to appropriate hemostasis. Along with Prof. Hemker, Maastricht, Prof. Dargaud has substantially contributed to the development of new assays, rendering continuous registration of thrombin activity possible.
Another major research interest of Prof. Dargaud is the optimization of prophylaxis regimens for hemophilia A or B patients based on pharmacokinetic assessments. Thanks to the significant advances made, the ultimate goal to reach a zero annual bleeding rate in physically-active patients suffering from hemophilia may soon become achievable.