Why women live longer


All across the globe, no matter the country, women generally live longer than men. Yet we still don’t know exactly why…

There are many women who have lived past their 110th birthday in the world, yet scientists are still
struggling to clearly define why they enjoy such long lifespans. Experimental studies have suggested
that oestrogen boosts the activity of telomerase, an enzyme that protects the tiny fragments of DNA
called telomeres which protect chromosomes.

Still, women’s long lifespans cannot be purely due to hormones. There’s also the question of their
smaller stature, control of fertility, and tendency to take less risks than men (e.g., alcohol and
smoking), among other differences.

We’ll leave you with this startling fact: the record for the longest living person is still that held by
French woman Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 at the ripe old age of…122!