World Hemophilia Day


On April 17, 2019, we celebrated the 29th World Hemophilia Day. More precisely, it is the date of the birthday of Frank Schnabel, the founder of the World Federation of Hemophilia.

This world event is primarily to raise awareness of this bleeding disorder via media coverage and conferences by health professionals. Likewise, it is a day when the whole bleeding disorders community comes together to celebrate the continuous advances that have been made, while bringing attention to several issues related to the proper care of people affected by the disease.

Hemophilia is, in most cases, an inherited bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot effectively. This may lead to spontaneous bleeding, as well as bleeding following injuries or surgery. Blood contains many proteins called clotting factors that help stop bleeding. People with hemophilia display low levels of either factor VIII, referred to as hemophilia A, or factor IX, termed hemophilia B (9). The severity of hemophilia in a person depends on the amount of the factor present in the blood. The lower the amount, the more likely it is that bleeding will occur. These bleeding episodes, if not properly treated, can provoke serious health problems.

In rare cases, a person can develop hemophilia later in life. The majority of these cases concern middle-aged or elderly people, or young women who have recently given birth or are in the later stages of pregnancy. This condition is often resolved with appropriate treatment.